July Newsletter- Preschool Dept.

This July, the Preschool students will celebrate Nutrition Month. During this time, they will learn to identify the basic food groups and know the importance of eating Go, Grow and Glow food. Various activities reinforcing the value of eating nutritious food will be discussed in class throughout this month. At home, you can be role models by practicing healthy eating and active living.

  1. Nutrition Month Culminating Activity will be on Thursday, July 30.
  2. This is a classroom activity and restricted only to CJPS students.
  3. No academic lessons on this day to give way for the said activity.
  4. Please let your child wear his/her complete P.E. uniform.


Binangonan , Rizal

CJPS Hotlines:

Calumpang: (02) 8652-0403, (02) 7586-9216

Batingan: (02) 8652-3787

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