Registration: Old Students

STEP 1: Application

The Student Applicant shall fill out the STUDENT’S INFORMATION FORM completely and upload the scanned copy or pictures of the requirements. Make sure that the uploaded files are CLEAR and READABLE.

Once “Submitted”, the Student Applicant shall receive a notification that application has been received for evaluation.

STEP 2: Evaluation

The Admissions Officer will assess the qualifications of the applicant based on the information provided and submitted supporting documents.

Once “Accepted”, the Student Applicant will receive an email from the admissions officer to proceed to payment link and the Enrollment Agreement Form. Otherwise, he will be notified of information needed for further verification before proceeding with the enrollment.

To follow-up about the status of your application, please e-mail

STEP 3: Payment

The Student Applicant may pay at any of the listed partner banks of CJPS under PAYMENT CHANNELS tab or he may visit the Business Office in CJPS Calumpang Campus for on-site transactions.

For online transaction, kindly send a scanned copy or clear picture of the deposit slip or online payment confirmation together with the SIGNED ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT FORM at with the following information:

a. Child’s Complete Name

b. Incoming Grade Level

c. Purpose of Payment

Partner Banks and Payment Remittance Center:

a. Landbank e-payment service

b. LBC remit

c. BDO Bank Deposit or Online Transfer

d. Metrobank deposit Bank Deposit or Online Transfer

e. RCBC Online Banking

The Finance Officer will inform the Student Applicant after 2-3 working days to pick up the official receipt.

The Application for Enrollment remains pending until payment has been received. There are no refunds for Registration, Reservation and Testing fees.

Please send an e-mail at or you may reach us at 09175342594, 09178512005, (02)8652-0403, (02)7754-3201 for follow-up regarding application status.


Binangonan , Rizal

CJPS Hotlines:

Calumpang: (02) 8652-0403, (02) 7586-9216

Batingan: (02) 8652-3787

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