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Sponsor A Child

Scholarship Grants for Underprivileged Youth

“You can help provide a better education for a less fortunate child
for only P72.00 or $1.00 a day.”

Filipinos in general have a deep regard for education. This is an attitude which was absorbed from the American Colonizers who heavily implemented projects that provided mass public education in the 1940’s. Filipinos then were encouraged to send their children to pubic schools. Many Filipinos benefited from this project and as a result, Philippines became one of the nations in Asia with the highest literacy rate.

All these have now changed. Because of poverty, corruption and erratic political and social condition in the Philippines, quality of education in public schools have horribly deteriorated. It is very common to see schools or classrooms built during the time of the American Occupation more than sixty years ago, still being used nowadays with very little improvements or maintenance done to them. At least sixty to seventy students in public schools are made to fit inside a regular classroom, making them share tables, chairs and books with classmates. Considering the fact that most of these children view education as a means to escape poverty, they most often than not end up discovering they cannot move up to high school due to their failure to pass the Basic Readiness Test administered to graduating Grade VI students. A report given by then Department of Education Secretary, Florencio Abad states the following facts:

1. “Only 6 out of every 1,000 Grade Six elementary graduate students are prepared to enter high school.”
2. Only 0.64% of some 1.4 million Grade VI students got a score of 75% and above in the 2004 High School Readiness Test (HSRT). The mean percentage score was 32.13%.” (75% is the lowest possible score)
3. “Only 2 out of every 100 Fourth Year high school students are fit to enter college”.
4. “99.36% of Grade VI elementary graduate students failed to get 75 percent and above in the HSRT, a 90-item competency test on elementary English, Science and Mathematics administered by the National Educational Testing and Research Center (NETRC) of the Department of Education (DepED) on May and June 2004 on incoming public freshmen high school students nationwide. Only 7.9 percent got a score of 50 percent and above. The mean percentage score was 29.47 in English, 33.46 in Science, and 33.46 in Mathematics.”
5. “97.9% of the more than 1 million 4th Year High School students failed to get 75% and above in the National Achievement Test (NAT) last March 2004. The total percent score of examinees was 44.36%.”

The mean percentage score was 36.80 in Science, 46.20 in Mathematics, and 50.08 in English.”

1. “Only 19 out of every 100 public school teachers have confidence and competence to teach English.”
2. “81% of Public School Teachers failed to earn a score of 75 percent or higher in the SAT for English.”
3. “The Philippines is No. 41 in Science and No. 42 in Mathematics among 45 countries.”
4. “Boston College, Quadrennial Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), 16 December 2004, Malaya, page 1, “In science, Grade 8 (equivalent of Second Year) Filipino students edged out only their counterparts in Botswana, Ghana and South Africa. In Mathematics, they were ahead from the same countries plus Saudi Arabia. “
5. “In science, Philippines got a score of 377; International average is 474. In mathematics, Philippine score is 378; International average is 467. Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan topped the worldwide survey. TIMMSS is administered by the International Association for the Evaluation of Education Achievement.”


Truly, based on the facts stated above, public schools are in distress. Like any other country, the Filipino people dreams of a society free from poverty and ignorance. Achievement of such dream must start today through the youth and this can only come true if quality of education will dramatically be improved.


For an educational institution to be successful in its role of molding the mind, heart and character of the youth, environment that is conducive for learning, teachers who are highly competent and values oriented and making use of updated educational materials should be balanced. The utilization of the above mentioned aspects form the strong educational foundation of Child Jesus of Prague School. Because of these factors, the school has produced graduates who are not only successful professionals now, but responsible citizens as well.

Reality though is far from ideal. If Child Jesus of Prague School can have its way, it would offer its services to every child, most especially the poor and less fortunate. Sad to say, like any other private learning institutions in the Philippines, the operation of CJPS greatly depend on funds collected from students’ tuition fee. The school runs independently and without any support from the national government. Though this is the scenario, out of the mission of providing quality education even to those with no financial capability to study in private schools, Child Jesus of Prague School in 2000 started a program of awarding scholarships to public school elementary graduates. Every year, almost fifteen students are awarded scholarships. These students are elementary graduates from public schools whom CJPS considers to have great potentials but usually end up in over-populated and ill-equipped public high schools. Though these teenagers may have high intellectual capabilities, they commonly fall victim to the deficiencies in public learning institutions. As stated in the report above, only 2 out of 100 public high school graduates are fit to enter college. How can the Filipino Graduates eventually compete globally or even land a decent local job if he/she is not even capable to enter college after 10 years of elementary and high school education.

Action should be taken now! By absorbing some of the less fortunate students and sponsoring them to be able to study in private learning institutions, we are not only giving hope to a family but the Filipino Nation as well.

There is certainly hope for Filipino people to rise above and escape poverty.
A lot of people are now realizing the importance of education in nation building. Recently, top business owners in the Philippines organized themselves to form a group that will work with the government in helping solve the perennial problems in the public educational system. This is due to the fact that top business owners are observing the lack of competent and qualified college graduates nowadays. According to one of the recent reports given by call centers, a booming industry in the country, only 2 out of 100 college graduates land a job as call center agents due to lack of proficiency in English. Availability of jobs is not anymore the problem but rather lack of qualified manpower to fill the positions.

As an individual, there is something you can do to help. For only P72.00 or $1.00 a day you can help a less fortunate child receive a better education. Child Jesus of Prague School has taken the lead role of globally launching a campaign to look for people who are willing to sponsor a less fortunate Filipino child. From the time the project was launched in 2000, the School has awarded more than twenty full scholarships and over forty partial scholarships to underprivileged students. Last March 2006, the first five full high school scholars graduated. Two of them easily passed the University of the Philippines Admissions Test and are now both enrolled as Political Science Students. The other three are likewise enrolled in various well known universities. These students once dreamt of a better life for themselves and their families. Now, as they pursue college education, their dreams are within their reach.

This for us is still a small contribution to building a nation free from slavery of ignorance and poverty. Our effort will be more significant with your contribution.

Our goal is to encourage other private schools in the Philippines to start sponsoring elementary public school graduates. Right now, there are over 1000 registered private schools in the database of the Department of Education. If at least half of these listed institutions will launch a similar program and accommodate 10 less fortunate public school students, 5000 individuals will receive a better quality education. They are the same children who will likewise be deducted from the total student population in public schools hence helping solve the problem of congestion.

By sponsoring an elementary public school student, you are basically standing in as the second parent of the child. He or she will be enrolled as a regular pupil at CJPS and will be given all the necessary educational materials. The amount listed below are computed based on the existing high school tuition fee rates. This may gradually change annually.

In the Philippines, a student must complete four years to finish high school. You may opt to pay the amount annually until he/ she finishes his secondary education or make a one time payment for the student’s entire high school education. Rate will not change for those who choose the later.


For the amount of only P72.00 or $1.00 a day you can help a less fortunate child receive a better education. Below are the different types of sponsorships you can choose from. The figures listed are based on one school year and entire four years of high school education.

Type of Sponsorship
Amount in Pesos
Amount in Dollar
*Monthly Charges
1. Full Scholarship for
(One School Year)
Php 26,450.00
US$ 510.00
2. Full Scholarship for
Php 105,800.00
US$ 2,034.00
3. Partial Scholarship for
(One School Year)
Php 15,725.00
US$ 310.00
4. Partial Scholarship for
Php 62,900.00
US$ 1,209.00


* Books and other educational materials are included in the prices listed above.
* Commitment for annual sponsorship must be for the entire four years of high school education.
* Monthly Charges – For 12 Consecutive Monthly Charges


1. A public school elementary graduating student must meet the following requirements before he/she will be awarded scholarship:

1. The applicant must pass the entrance examination administered by the School.
2. The applicant must have no grade lower than 83% for all four quarters as a grade six elementary student.
3. He/ She must also have a general average of 85% or higher.
4. The lowest possible grade for conduct is “B”.
5. He/ She must belong to a low-income family.

* If the following requirements are met, the applicant will be interviewed together with his/ her parents.
* Final decision will be released after the interview.

If you decide to SPONSOR A CHILD, you will be receiving regular updates through email of the child’s performance in school. His/ Her adviser will keep you informed based on the following aspects:

1. Attitude of the student in school.
2. Performance in all of his/ her subjects.
3. Participation in extra-curricular activities.

You will likewise be given a copy of his/ her report card to show you the recipient’s progress every quarter.