Below are the rules to be followed inside the parking lot:

1. Only vehicles with CJPS Parking Sticker will be allowed to enter.
2. The CJPS Parking Sticker shall be valid for one school year (SY 2015-2016).
3. Parking slot is on a first come first served basis. The school may close it once full.
4. All vehicles must turn off their engines while waiting.
5. Vehicles are not allowed to play loud music when inside the parking.
6. Since there will be a lot of students exiting during dismissal, all drivers MUST exercise extreme caution and give priority to them. A maximum speed limit of 10kph should be practiced.
7. Gambling, smoking and drinking of alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited inside the parking lot.
8. The parking lot should always be kept clean. Littering or urinating on the walls will be considered a violation of the rules.
9. The parking lot will be open from 6:00am to 8:00am and 12:30pm to 4:30pm only. Once the gate is closed, all vehicles left inside will have to secure a pass from the business office and pay a penalty of P100 before being allowed to exit.
10. All fetchers must act appropriately inside the parking lot. Shouting or howling should always be avoided.
11. The school may also utilize the parking lot for major student events. If this is the case, vehicles will not be allowed to enter.

Violations of the above-listed rules may mean revocation of parking sticker and campus entry ban on the individual.

Gate 2 at the side of the Elementary Campus will serve as an additional entry point in the morning for all elementary students and exit point for grades 2-6 students in the afternoon. Please take note of the detailed parking lot schedule vis-à-vis the time of arrival, dismissal and corresponding gate students will utilize:


MORNING ENTRY SCHEDULE(The CJPS Parking Lot is open from 6:00AM to 8:00AM)
Grade 1 to 6 6:00am to 8:00am GATE 1 and GATE 2


AFTERNOON/ DISMISSAL EXIT SCHEDULE(The CJPS Parking Lot is open from 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM)
Grade 1 (AM SESSION) 11:30 AM GATE 1
Grade 1 (PM SESSION) 5:00 PM GATE 1
GRADE 2 1:30 PM GATE 2
GRADE 3 2:00 PM GATE 2
GRADE 4 to 6 3:00 PM GATE 2
CJPS Parking Lot will close at exactly 4:30 PM


NOTE: The preschool department will still use the same gate (Gate 5) as their entry and exit point. Preschool fetchers may utilize the parking lot if it is open based on the above schedule.


Binangonan , Rizal

CJPS Hotlines:

Calumpang: (02) 8652-0403, (02) 7586-9216

Batingan: (02) 8652-3787

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